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Press Release - Monday 4th March 2024


On the 28th and 29th of February, the Slynn Foundation in conjunction with Public Administration International (PAI) and British High Commission Nicosia, presented a two-day training course at the Court of Audit, Nicosia.

The training course was delivered by the Foundation’s chairman, Sir Stephen Irwin, and English barrister, Ms Helen Malcolm KC, with a remote session from Ms Justice Ruth Henke.

Topics including Disclosure, Digital Evidence and Vulnerable Witnesses in Criminal Trials were presented to an audience of members of the Turkish Cypriot Bar, lawyers from the Attorney General’s Office and, in separate sessions, to Judges.

We would like to thank our speakers, PAI, and the British High Commission for their assistance in delivering this programme and the judiciary and Bar Council for their hospitality during our visit.  This was the third training course delivered by the Slynn Foundation and PAI to the Turkish Cypriot legal community.


In February 2023, the Foundation travelled to north Cyprus for a two-day in person programme entitled "Case Management in Criminal Cases" supported by the British High Commission in Nicosia. An audience of 100 lawyers and 40 judiciary heard presentations from the Rt Hon. Sir Stephen Irwin and Sir Peter Thornton KC, on topics including vulnerable witnesses, judicial conducts, hearsay and case management and separate sessions over the two days. The participants particularly welcomed a virtual presentation by Lord Justice Birss on cryptocurrency.

We would like to thank the British High Commission and Chief Justice Narin Ferdi Şefik for their support of the seminars.

Sir Stephen Irwin and Sir Peter Thornton KC present to an audience of judges

2022 At the invitation of the British High Commission in Nicosia, and in conjunction with Public Administration International (PAI), the Slynn Foundation held a virtual seminars for the judiciary and legal profession, engaging with each group over half a day.

Slynn Foundation Trustee, The Rt. Hon. Sir Stephen Irwin, chaired presenters from the senior judiciary of England and Wales, and leading specialist members of the legal profession who discussed topics including Case Management, Listings, Commercial Courts, Wellbeing and Vulnerable Witnesses, and shared their extensive knowledge and experience with an audience from the Judiciary and members of the legal profession. The sessions were well received and interaction between delegates and speakers resulted in valuable exchanges regarding current systems and new developments.

We would like to thank our hosts at the British High Commission, colleagues at PAI and our speakers:

The Rt Hon. Sir Stephen Irwin (Chair and speaker)

The Hon. Sir Simon Picken

HHJ Angela Rafferty QC

Amanda Pinto QC

Michael Tame

Resources for delegates

During the sessions a number of links were shared we list them below for reference

Rule and Practice Directions

The Advocates Gateway

The Commercial Courts Guide


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