Human Rights & the Rule of Law
Assistance to Overseas Judiciaries and Judicial Systems
The Slynn Foundation provides conferences, seminars, training and judicial exchanges focussing on the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, the principles of human rights as they affect the work of national courts, ADR (particularly mediation), and modern methods of case management as applied by judges and court administrators.
For some years following its inception the Foundation focussed on the rule of law, human rights and EU law requirements in the new democracies of Eastern and Central Europe. However, following its successes the Foundation has expanded and now works globally and with legal systems in all continents where it considers it can make a worthwhile contribution to improving justice by reference to the common law and the fair trial experience of British judges and lawyers.
The Foundation is happy to engage with any legal system where there is willingness for a dialogue about judicial independence, the rule of law and the fair and efficient discharge of judicial duties having regard to international legal principles.
In entering longer term relationships to build capacity in different legal systems, the Foundation evaluates risks and opportunities arising from the proposed relationship, the appetite for change and the ability of the judiciary and executive to give effect to it, and how the success of any programme can be evaluated.
All engagement with overseas legal systems is subject to the oversight and approval of the Slynn Foundation Trustees, having regard to the advice of its officers, its Executive Director and any relevant committee.
For further assistance please email us @ slynn-foundation@outlook.com