Judicial Training
Sir Peter Thornton with Sir Stephen Irwin training in nth Cyprus
Judicial Training Activities
The Foundation has worked in association with the British embassies and High Commissions to bring together judges and advocates for training in judgecraft and judicial conduct.
In nth Cyprus at the invitation of Chief Justice Narin Åžefik and the British High Commission, the Foundation's Chairman, the Rt. Hon. Sir Stephen Irwin and Sir Peter Thornton presented the second in a series of two-day programmes (following on from an earlier virtual programme) with individual sessions for judiciary and members of the Bar Council.
Topics included: Hearsay, case management in criminal cases, vulnerable witnesses and sessions on judicial leadership
with a virtual presentation by Lord Justice Birss on cryptocurrency.
Slynn has also presented seminars in Dubai and Brunei Darussalam and Uzbekistan on topics including sentencing, the use of expert witnesses, and judgment writing.
Slynn programmes are designed to address the specific need of requests made by our hosts and delegates and since COVID we have adapted our programmes to respond to both virtual and in-person requests although we strongly believe in-person is the optimal method of delivery.
We continue to work with judiciary all over the world.